Lead your team in crisis - Keynote
When the crisis clouds darken - your team is going to rely on your leadership - it’s your job
Actually it doesn’t even need to be a crisis. But if you can lead in crisis, lead in those critical incidents that occur in all industries and operating environments, then you can lead mentor and support when it’s not so bad.
It’s a team response that you lead
When stuff goes bad people are going to look for your leadership. That leadership should start well before the incident has occurred.
All teams need leadership, and there are plenty of leadership styles. When crisis hits you need a team response to the incident to get everyone through. Collaborate in peace but you do need to lead in crisis. Direct leadership.
Demonstrate that leadership by acknowledging that risk exists, get everyone in tune with that fact and discuss and practice your response, before it’s occured.
When that incident does occur, it won’t go according to your plan but you would have already been there before, your planning will have been indispensable and that’s a reflection of your leadership.
Keynote - Crisis Leadership
If you’re looking to lift individual and team capability to respond when those incidents occur then consider our keynote or training sessions on leading in crisis.
It’s a direct and to the point presentation on the importance of leadership in crisis. Crisis leadership requires direct leadership, be resilient and clear on your mission statement, what needs to be done right now, consider available information and make decisions. This keynote presentation brings all of this to life in an engaging and interactive presentation.
This keynote takes the audience deep inside an operational career, stories that may well be uncommon, but the key messages are applicable to all organisations.
Keynote Presenter Paul Walsh
Stores mixed with key messages on leading in crisis are told with humour, respect and acknowledgment. Paul will take you on a journey through some of his career highlights and lowlights, with a focus on leading in crisis.
“We learn though story. When we stand in other peoples shoes even for a brief moment, we see the world through their eyes, we learn from their learnings and we can find strength from that. Through that story we can layer up and build our own resilience”
Collaborate in peace lead in crisis is an operational mantra.
QRisk Presentations
We pride ourselves, on not delivering everyday keynote presentations. If you want stories and key messages that stick well beyond the time spent together then let’s chat for that no obligation free discussion. We need to be aligned anyway, so let’s meet n greet and see if we are the right fit for your day. Let’s connect and discuss building leadership capability in those critical moments.
Your people will come away engaged by the stories but more importantly grab hold of simple strategies that they can adopt and put oil their leaders toolbox.
Leadership Training For
This presentation is ideal for ;
Any organisation that wants to lift its leaders capability
Those organisation who are lifting capability and capacity for their Wardens
Any organisation that has a likelihood of having to deal with critical incidents such as aggressive customers, disruption or active criminal offending like robbery
Organisations wanting an impactful presentation on a executive or leaders team building day