Name it to tame it
Call it out - don’t let it go masked behind a veneer of unacceptable behaviour
Name it to Tame it
Call it out. One of the key things we are saying to organisations in helping their staff with customer conflict training is - define you line and call out the behaviour.
If you can’t define what is acceptable behaviour and what is not - then you are not setting yourself up for success.
This may appear obvious, but quite simply in the organisations we support we are seeing a big gap in this space.
If you can name it - then you can tame it and that’s where our de escalation training has it’s unique advantage.
Get all of your people from executive, management to front line staff aligned in what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. From there plan and practice your response, and don’t let it simply sit inside a policy & procedure.
Why is De-Escalation Training needed?
Because Aggressive Customer situations happen, and they are increasing with frequency meaning the risk to safety and security of your staff is increasing.
We have seen this increase occurring over time in workplace situations just as we are seeing an increase in community and street aggression. The two are in some ways connected.
The training is absolutely needed, because those who are responsible for the offending are part of our communities, they are on our streets, they carry biases, aggression and violence and take that with them. At a moment in time they walk into your business, your store or organisation. Maybe a client, a customer or completely random, but they are walking in.
Who needs Aggressive Customer Awareness Training ?
Any business that has face to face customer, or client interactions.
The breadth of our client training base includes, banking, retail, hospitality, insurance and non profits - The situations carry many commonalities but the environments and circumstances are different.
Social conditions, financial stress, mental illness and poor customer experiences are all potential factors which become a situational reality for customer facing staff.
It’s right and appropriate for staff to manage upset and even angry customers but when emotions escalate or kick off, from the get go with aggressive behaviour, then a line has been crossed and this requires training to get the right response.
QRisk Aggressive Customer Training - Onsite or Online
QRisk Aggressive Customer Awareness training provides your staff with the tools to help identify the risk flag indicators and then provides a practical and easy framework to deal with all of those aggressive customer scenarios.
The unique point of difference is that through following our framework you not only empower staff to effectively manage these types of situations but you get uplift in the customer experience - Your customer service improves and your staff are safer.
Aggressive Customer Awareness Training gives caring people leaders an opportunity to move beyond the legal obligations of providing a safe working environment, by enhancing personal and team safety and security through the QRisk aggressive customer and situational awareness training.