Situational Awareness - Training valued by people leaders
Situational Awareness Training - Because people leaders understand the need to challenge the thinking to beyond the workplace
Challenge the thinking to make the change in behaviours.
The common feedback theme we get from people leaders after one of our situational training session is one of genuine thanks. Thanks for creating an interactive and safe place to discuss and challenge the thinking around risk at work & beyond. Thanks for sharing and pulling story that we learn from and thanks for giving us real practical tools that the team can hold on too.
Situational Awareness - People Safety & Security beyond the workplace
Our approach to situational awareness training is one of simplicity. And we have flipped it from a focus on workplace safety & security to a focus on situational awareness as a life skill, and that’s what our clients love.
By the end of the session they are sharing their own experiences. Learning through collective story and layering our Q6 framework for dealing with all of life’s risk - At work and beyond. Thats the beauty of our situational awareness training. It really is life skill training.
Situational Awareness - Simply create a healthy respect for risk
People leaders know of the legislative responsibilities in providing a safe and secure workplace for their people. They know of the consequences if they get this wrong.
We love however, having great conversations with caring people leaders who, we find alignment in thinking that goes way beyond legislative requirements. In fact that doesn’t even feature in the conversation. Legislation is not the driver, a real commitment to people safety & security is.
Our conversations are around knowing that risk exists well beyond the workplace and in fact in many vocations the risks in life are greater beyond those at work. Of course, there is no liability on an organisation for people safety beyond the work environment but here’s the kicker.
It’s why, when we discuss situational awareness with caring people leaders, they know if they help build resilience and create safer people in life through situational awareness, then those people bring that skill set and mind set, to the office, to the workplace.
So it’s not a legal obligation, it’s an opportunity. An opportunity to create safer and more resilient and risk aware staff through having an engaged and appropriate level of situational awareness.
It’s simply about acknowledging that risk exists, at work and beyond. A healthy respect of risk, that when you have a simple framework to navigate through it, you lift and enable people to manage it.
The result, you get people who are more situationally aware and they simply bring that skill and awareness into the workplace, making your work environment safer for everyone.
Situational Awareness - It’s a thing
We’ve been facilitating, speaking, training around situational awareness for 10 years, both in NZ and abroad. It’s the client feedback that lifts us and the why, is because it sits at the heart of our vision “a safer world one client at a time”.
“The Speaker talking about Risk, in particular the Situational Awareness was fantastic. I had never put it all together and been enlightened as to how it can all come together in all different situations and in the different environments”
-Air New Zealand Health & Safety Rep 2018
“The content is brilliant, such wonderful life skills and advice for everyone to incorporate into their everyday lives. Our team found the material so benecial are still discussing it regularly
“Wow, the credibility of the course leaders can’t be denied. The day was empowering and invigorating and denitely made me feel condent that I could handle myself in an adverse situation. I came away from the day feeling very passionate about what Q has to offer and I will be sharing my newfound knowledge with those around me.
-Joanne ASB
QRisk Situational Awareness Training
Situational Awareness Training is a QRisk foundation module. It is central to many of our courses and keynote presentations. It underpins our strong belief and power statement that “Situational Awareness is the greatest skill you can acquire for your personal safety and security.”
If you are one of those caring people leaders, or health & safety champions that aligns to the thinking in this article then lets chat.
We can discuss the uniqueness of your organisation, your environment, and your people and look to an off the shelf situational awareness training session, or by design we can align it to your world.
Either way, there are real training objectives, but more importantly your people will pick up real life skills, that when adopted beyond the training they will be better, safer and more resilient for it.
The QRisk Situational Awareness Training sessions typically run from 3 to 5 hours. A great number of participants is around 16 to 20. This number is great for engaging and getting staff interaction.
Treat this as a guide only as we have done sessions over full day with scenario’s and role play included and delivered to staff audiences of over 50.
Lets chat