Claw it Back
CLAW - it back. The only de escalation training your staff will need.
There is a bunch of de escalation models out there. Which one works best, which one can staff lean on with confidence when dealing with those difficult and confronting human interactions.
Well, with some obvious bias we reckon its our model - CLAW. The why is simple - because it places you at the centre of safety and security whilst acknowledging that you are an influencer of outcome.
The need for staff to have simple techniques to manage difficult interactions has never been more important.
De-Escalation Training is Needed
We live and work in challenging times. Abusive, angry and difficult customer situations happen, and they are increasing with frequency meaning the need for de escalation training is needed.
Through our CLAW model staff will learn the customer behaviour segments that drive situations. It’s okay and very human to frustrated and angry - these are natural. Being abusive and aggressive are behaviours that are not okay.
The CLAW model teaches you which ones to CLAW back through our proven de escalation model and if it escalates, which it can - then it gives you the ability and confidence to exit the situation. Your safety and security first.
Who needs De escalation Training ?
Any business that has face to face customer, or client interactions and is seeing that increase in angry, frustrated or aggressive customer incidents.
The breadth of our client training base includes, banking, retail, hospitality, insurance and non profits - The situations carry many commonalities but the environments and circumstances are different.
Social conditions, financial stress, mental illness and poor customer experiences are all potential factors which become a situational reality for customer facing staff.
It’s right and appropriate for staff to manage upset and even angry customers but when emotions escalate or kick off, from the get go with aggressive behaviour, then a line has been crossed and this requires training to get the right response.
QRisk Aggressive Customer Training - Onsite or Online
QRisk CLAW De escalation training provides your staff with the tools to help identify the risk flag indicators and then provides a practical and easy framework to deal with all of those aggressive customer scenarios.
The unique point of difference is that through following our framework you not only empower staff to effectively manage these types of situations but you get uplift in the customer experience - Your customer service improves and your staff are safer.
Contact us today and let us step you through the training with absolutely no obligation. Here some of our client feedback and see what we can put in place form your team.