Volunteer Care
“Training is our sweet spot - sharing that with volunteers across NZ is simply a good thing to do”
You don’t volunteer for the risk
NZ and Australia have great community based volunteer groups. People who give their time freely for the greater good. And for the most part the relationship between the volunteer and the client or community is brilliant.
But more and more we are hearing instances from clients and headline articles of volunteers being abused and finding themselves in the middle of escalating confrontational situations - and that’s not okay.
People who give their time freely for the good of the community don’t deserve to go home feeling threatened, intimadated or unsafe. Thats not what they signed up for.
Sadly, there a bunch of social and economic factors in play, mix that with covid fatigue and that is why we now have the increases in abusive and aggressive situations. Alarmingly some of these occur with our community volunteers who don’t have access to the right training.
One thing we can do at QRisk Training is make available our unique training solutions on situational awareness and de escalation to the volunteer tribe.
Regardless of whether they work in museums, library, local councils or going into clients home’s for care based services - we know there is a level of risk involved and that risk is reduced through training. This is the space where we can support
Special Training Offer
We have taken our unique online course and tailored it for the volunteer workforce. Organisations can get quality training delivered direct to their volunteers at a cost that’s heavily reduced and more aligned to your training budget.
Check out our volunteer training offer here
“Our online training has assisted many organisations in improving people safety &security. Through this special offer we hope to assist many more in the volunteer space” Paul Walsh
QRisk Training
About the author: Paul Walsh is a partner at QRisk Training. With a vision of “a safer world, one client at a time”. QRisk are specialists in lifting the capability and capacity of people and organisations – keeping people safe through onsite and online interactive training and the wider good drills programmes. He is also a keynote speaker around people safety security with a focus on situational awareness training, personal accountability and responsibility.
On online safety, security and resilience training - could well be the solution you are after.