Self Defence Training

Are you looking for an engaging Self Defence Training course to enable your team to defend themselves, both in and outside of the workplace? Many different organisations and operating environments are looking to provide their people with Self Defense skills in today’s complex environment, be it in a corporate office or retail environment.

What is Self Defence Training about?

Quite simply self-defence legislation allows people to defend themselves. In and outside of the workplace people should not feel they have to be a victim of violence or aggressive customers. With this context in mind, Self Defence is taught as an absolute last resort and as a technique for you to remove yourself from the situation. It's about confidence and how to engage a positive mindset.

A good Self Defence course should provide context on,

  1. The law as it relates to Self Defense,

  2. How to deal with aggressive customers, de-escalate the situation first then,

  3. Create an exit strategy and if required to use very basic Self-Defence  techniques to facilitate that exit.

  4. A stun and run strategy, in the right circumstance, is absolutely the appropriate and legal thing to do. 

Who is Self Defence Training for?

A Self Defence Training course is useful for staff of any business or organisation that has the possibility of staff being confronted by angry customers or members of the public. This should be of particular interest to those organisations that have staff going into people’s homes, for example lone workers. This is not about creating self defence experts this is about giving people some basic tools to help create an exit strategy in confrontational situations. 

QRisk Self Defence Training

QRisk Self Defence Training provides your team with the tools they need to increase their confidence for when aggressive situations occur. It delivers this through teaching how to de-escalate, create time and space, develop an exit strategy and provide very basic self-defence confidence.  

Our facilitators aren’t just book smart, they are street smart too and have real world experience in some of the most challenging of situations. They can, and have had to engage in violent situations and know the value of stun & run over stand & fight.  

They provide a safe and secure environment to practice the skills demonstrated and are on hand to provide any one on one coaching for any specific needs. 

We  develop a custom training strategy to meet your specific needs based on your requirements or industry. Our delivery style is relaxed, open and inclusive. Participants are in a calm, safe environment to make the most of their training and are free to explore any questions they might have.  We share our real world, hands on experiences of using appropriate Self Defence techniques to get you to safety faster.

At the completion of the course participants will achieve the following learning objectives:

  • Understanding Basic Self Defence techniques including facing aggressive customers.

  • Understand the law around Self Defence, and when it is appropriate to use

  • De-escalation techniques

  • How to create an exit strategy including using a stun and run strategy to get you to safety.

  • An introduction to situational awareness and how to engage it 

The QRisk Self Defence Training course is typically run over a half day for up to 12 participants, and can be combined with our flagship Situational Awareness courses over a full day. 


Critical Incident Readiness Training


Robbery and Shoplifting Training